volodya-lombrozo 05.07.2024

Weekly Report:

From: Vladimir Lombrozo

Subject: WEEK 27 Objectionary

Hi all,

Last week achievements:

- Print PHI Expressions in XMIR files for integration tests [#627]
- Updated Maven commands in integration test READMEs, improved code readability, and added new methods for better organization.

- Check Attributes Constructors [#327] - Added unit tests, refactored parsing code, and fixed issues related to Attributes class creation from XMIR representation.

Next week plans:

- Enable PHI printing for most cases [#317] - Enable PHI printing for all possible cases, starting with spring and spring-fat integration tests, and then covering all integration tests with PHI printing to ensure correct EO representation of decompiled bytecode.


- Reviewed and provided feedback on pull requests.
- Attended team meetings to discuss project progress and challenges.
- Worked on resolving bugs and implementing new features.

- Completed the implementation of feature #627 in the jeo-maven-plugin repository.
- Addressed issues related to the Attributes class in feature #327 for the opeo-maven-plugin repository.

Risks Identified:
- jeo-maven-plugin:
- No risks identified for PR #628.

Next Steps:
- Continue working on assigned tasks and addressing feedback from code reviews.
- Collaborate with team members to ensure project milestones are met.

Thank you for reviewing the report. Let me know if you need any further information or details.

Best regards,

Vladimir Lombrozo

Software Developer


Closed Pull Requests:
- title: feat(#627): Print PHI Expressions, repo: jeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/jeo-maven-plugin/pull/628
- title: feat(#327): Check Attributes Constructors, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/335

Open Issues:
- title: Enable PHI printing for most cases, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, number: #317, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/issues/317, labels: ["bug", "soon"]