volodya-lombrozo 02.09.2024

Weekly Report: Activities and Progress

From: Vladimir Lombrozo
Subject: WEEK 36 Objectionary

Hi all,

Last week achievements:

Next week plans:


Summary of Risks Identified in Pull Requests:

This week, I reviewed the pull requests in the repositories jeo-maven-plugin and opeo-maven-plugin and identified no risks in the mentioned PRs. I will continue to monitor and address any potential risks in upcoming tasks.

Best regards,
Vladimir Lombrozo
Software Developer


Closed Pull Requests:
- title: feat(#648): Prove That jeo Preserves metas, repo: jeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/jeo-maven-plugin/pull/685
- title: feat(#432): prove that opeo keeps packages, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/433
- title: feat(#389): Replace [] With @ , repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/431
- title: feat(#275): Replce Constant Node With Literal, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/430
- title: feat(#346): remove redundant if statements, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/429
- title: feat(#408): remove the puzzle for #408 issue, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/428
- title: feat(#389): Add Type Information to Method Calls, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/426
- title: feat(#419): Update jeo-maven-plugin and remove deprecated classes, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/425
- title: feat(#678): Use Lowercase For Opcode Names, repo: jeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/jeo-maven-plugin/pull/682
- title: feat(#680): InnerClass -> inner-class, repo: jeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/jeo-maven-plugin/pull/681
- title: feat(#420): Add j$ Prefix For Class Names, repo: opeo-maven-plugin, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/pull/422

Open Issues:
- title: AgentsIT.java:63-65: Add More Tests. Currently, we have..., repo: opeo-maven-plugin, issue number: #407, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/issues/407, labels: ["soon"]
- title: AgentsIT.java:50-56: Remove program and object..., repo: opeo-maven-plugin, issue number: #403, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/issues/403, labels: ["soon"]
- title: DecompilerMachineTest.java:446-451: Reference Names..., repo: opeo-maven-plugin, issue number: #388, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/issues/388, labels: ["soon"]
- title: FormattingDecompiler.java:113-118: Remove the crutch..., repo: opeo-maven-plugin, issue number: #358, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/issues/358, labels: ["soon"]
- title: VerifiedEo.java:73-76: Remove {@link #cleanAliases(XML)}..., repo: jeo-maven-plugin, issue number: #647, url: https://github.com/objectionary/jeo-maven-plugin/issues/647, labels: ["soon"]
- title: JeoCompiler.java:87-95: Calculate the Max Stack Size. We..., repo: opeo-maven-plugin, issue number: #286, url: https://github.com/objectionary/opeo-maven-plugin/issues/286, labels: ["soon"]